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The beginning

Gjögur hf was founded in the town of Grenivík in 1946 by Þorbjörn Áskelsson and Jóhann Adolf Oddgeirsson.

The company's first ships were two 65-ton boats, built in Iceland, Vörður TH-4, and Von TH-5, delivered in early 1947.

From 1956 to 2016, the company operated a fish processing plant in Grindavík, which has long been a home port for its ships.

Vordur TH2 a Siglufirði.png
Fiskvinnsla og Grenivík 3.jpg

Present time

Today, Gjögur hf operates a fish processing plant in Grenivík. The plant is well-equipped to produce fresh and frozen products and employs just under 40 people.

​The company's trawlers, Áskell and Vörður, are based out of Grindavík, where most of the crew members live.

Hákon ÞH 250 is a pelagic ship, and the crew is from Grenivík and the Eyjafjörður area.

The future

The owners of Gjögur hf are always looking for ways to increase efficiency and the value of the fish caught. They pay close attention to developments in processing fresh and frozen products to ensure the best possible quality for buyers abroad.

Part of that strategy is investing in environmentally friendly, modern ships in which the living space and work environment are state of the art and preserving the catch in the best way possible.

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Key staff and board
of directors

Ingi Jóhann Guðmundsson manager

Anna Guðmundsdóttir CFO

Freyr Njálsson technical manager

The company's board of directors are;

Njáll Þorbjörnsson, chairman of the board

Anna Guðmundsdóttir

Aðalheiður Jóhannsdóttir

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